Friday, November 21, 2008

A view from the other side.....

All throughout history, there are incidents of false paranoia and mass hysteria. Is it possible that the financial crisis, global warming, peak oil, and the environment are similar?

Well, as for the financial crisis, here is an interesting article that explores the other side. There are some interesting points that explain how the media convinces people to behave like there is a recession. In other words, the chicken is hatched before the egg.

Click Bellow:

An open letter to the Wall Street Journal

Let me know your thoughts.

I also just caught this snippet from Ron Paul.

Perhaps a change in currency is closer that we think.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The last few days I spent many hours debating a friend of mine on certain issues that I've been concerned with. It led to do some reading online and I ended up learning quite a bit. I must admit that it really took a lot of energy to look up so many conservative based arguments. The idea that we should keep on going like we have been simply doesn't sit right with me.

A large part of our discussion was about global warming science. So in my readings, I came across a movie called "The Global Warming Swindle" (which I've recently downloaded and am going to watch soon). The series of youtube videos shows a few clips from the documentary, interviews the film maker, then they proceed to debate both sides with a panel of scientists.

Global warming isn't really my main concern at this point in my life, but I'm interested in it and these videos are worth a look.

Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The next 20 years are going to be very different than the last 20 years

My concern and worry for the future of society has taken an exponential increase in the past few weeks.

It started when I when I watched the second Zeitgeist movie: Zeitgeist Addendum. It's basically a documentary about the entire concept of money and the complex systems that are involved with it. Have you ever had the conversation where you ask yourself: "what is money"? It's just paper right? Yes, it kind of is. Thankfully it's widely agreed that it's worth something to other people. We trust the fact that is worth something, and that it will be worth something in the future.

I've also watched Chris Martenson's Crash Course, which really clarifies the changing times ahead and questions the state of money in general. You owe it to yourself to watch this series of videos, and you'll be glad when you do. The more I think about this concept of money, the more I realize that we live in old fashioned times. Our grand kids will look back at this time as a time of gluttony, waste, and ignorance.

One point that I took away from the Crash Course - which is something that I think of often - is how much energy we get from oil. Chris Martenson's main point about oil is that we live like kings!!!! Why? Well, a gallon of gasoline is worth 500 hours of man labour. We all make much use out of this liquid slavery. Sure, we can be seen as slaves to oil. In actuality, we harness the energy of several slaves with this energy source. Currently, a gallon of gasoline(that's 3.79 litres) costs about $3 and that gallon will give you 500 man hours of work. So, if you burned 1 gallon of gasoline in a car, and then had someone push it back to where you started, that would be how much energy was used in that gallon. So, how much would you pay that guy for pushing your car that far?

Chris Martenson's thesis in this series of videos is that "The next twenty years will be (much) different than the last twenty years". Watch these videos, and get your own opinion. There is no fancy music to heighten the emotional impact of his points. Rather, he presents facts in a logical and seemingly unbiased way. Of course, he states his opinions, but he tells you when he is. I personally do not have the time, patience, or even intelligence to conduct the research that he has done. So, take advantage of this package that he has produced.

In watching these movies, I realized that I don't fully understand the concept yet. But, what I took away from it all is that money is really quite fake. It is created out of thin air by the federal reserve. Can you write yourself a check and get rich off of it? Obviously not. But, the government can. This irresponsibility on behalf of our leaders will catch up with everyone (government and citizens) sooner than later because inevitably, we will all be bound by the planets environmental limits. It's plain physics really, not the results of marijuana smoking/hippy/environmentlist/left winged influenced ideologies. Nope, physics. We'll hit these limits hard and fast. Humans don't deserve to live like we do right now and making this change will be very difficult for our society.

Please, watch these videos. It's important. Give me suggestions as to how to influence people to choose to watch them. It's not as easy as I thought it would be.

To be continued........

Thursday, November 13, 2008


As I took out the garbage last night, I saw that my neighbour had a computer monitor, some wires, and a 90's style dot-matrix printer waiting to be thrown out.

Unfortunately, these things will be thrown out in the garbage and not recycled. So, I was going to do a good thing. I found a business in Brampton that recycles old electronics. Great! I can just drop it off and they'll take care of it. The name of the business is "Sims Recycling Systems" and their motto is: "Save Our Planet". Then noticed that there was a "quote generator". Yup, you had to pay to have it recycled. So, I got a quote for how much it would cost to recycle this monitor and it was over $150. I later learned that this was more for corporate recycling hence the cost. Even then though, how is a company or corporation expected to recycle their "old" computers if they have to pay for it? Obviously, I don't see this happening.

With a little more searching, I found that the City of Toronto has many locations for residential electronics recycling and it is free of charge. There was one right on my way to work, so I was going to put that printer and monitor in my car before the trucks came and drop it off myself.

Well, I was running late, and it was pouring rain. The equipment was soaked, and I was in a hurry. That right there was enough to deter me from taking the step to put it in my car. So, I didn't get to do my good deed for the day.

What I deem to be the real problem though is that there isn't enough awareness or publicity about these recycling centers. There should be commercials, infomercials, and incentives to use these facilities. My neighbour is an intelligent guy with a really cute dog and he commented on my green party sign that I had on my lawn before the election. But, it takes that extra step to actually recycle. It shouldn't be this difficult!!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Use Craigslist and watch "Story of Stuff"

Craigslist is a great way to re-use your products. You can either give away something for free, or charge a few bucks for it. If someone picks up this product that you don't have a use for anymore, then you get two happy parties. By giving away or selling your older products, you might get a few bucks, but more importantly you'll also prevent a new product from being purchased and starting the wasteful cycle again.

This being said, you sometimes have to pay for using Craigslist. I recently gave away a computer monitor (because someone left a better one in the recycling room at my old apartment). The guy who took the monitor had no phone manners whatsoever. When he came to pick it up, he showed up with three other gangsta looking dudes. He took the monitor without saying thank you. I felt like I was owed that. That is how I paid for using Craigslist.

Oh well, hopefully that monitor is getting used. Most people would throw it out because they just got their bran new flat screen LCD. You can also recycle these things, but you have to make special arrangements or drive the electronic equipment to the recycling center. I did this once with an obsolete scanner. I was surprised to see several "old" computer monitors in many crates. They looked quite useful, along with the computers that accompanied them. I just hope that this electronics recycling system is viable and that those electronics materials get used again.

Some other sites recommended by First Gate Blogger that are similar to Craigslist which I haven't yet used:

I highly recommend watching the following flash video:

It's a graspable concept of how materials are produced, sold, and thrown out in our current society.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bikes in the garbage

In my neibourhood, the garbage gets picked up on Thursday morning. Before getting in my car to go to work, I saw two complete bicycles next to some bags of garbage. One was a mountain bike, while the other was a child's bike.

Immediately I thought of Canadian Tire, the store that most likely sold this bike for a mere $100 or so. There is a factory that made this thing, which pollutes and uses resources. The buyer's son probably grew out of the smaller bike, but the other one just got old and useless. Now, it's in a landfill, most likely without even given the chance to have it's metals recycled or it's tires reused. It doesn't take space up in his garage anymore, but it still takes up space.

In a way, I don't blame the buyer for throwing these things out. There is no financial incentive at all to dismantle the bikes and have them recycled. There is no financial incentive to drive the bike over to a used bike shop and donate the bikes. There is also no financial incentive to take the time to put the word out online for someone who could use the bikes. Well, in this case, he could have received a few dollars for the bikes, but it's much easier to just put them in the garbage where a worker uncritically takes away the crap that you don't want or need once a week and puts them somewhere else. Out of sight, out of mind.

I've been reading Elizabeth May's book "How to Save the World in Your Spare Time", and I've been thinking about organizing something to help people not waste as much. Ideas to come and if you have any, let me know.

P.s. I drive to work because it's cheaper and faster. We are surrounded by ipods, cool cell phones, and other technology that distract us from the fact that we are actually technically stunted. Humans have done so much, so why is it more expensive to take public transit?