Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I wanna buy some gold..............and a random thought to conclude

I wanna buy some gold.

Yes, for investment purposes, but also because it's just so neat. I picture myself staring at a couple of sweet gold coins like I was Frodo staring at the ring.

If you really think about the value of gold, it has no value. You can't eat it, drink it, inject it, drop it, or smoke it (he he). It's only valueable because someone else wants it. Right? Ok, I know this, but I still want some.

Did you know that one ounce of gold can be hammered out to cover a rediculous area and that gold foil is only 20 atoms thick? That's pretty cool.

But really, my excuse is that it will go up in value drastically with the progressively worsening economy and it would be beneficial in case financial doomsday (collapse of the U.S. dollar). That's why I "need" some, but I want some because.....well....I can't give you a rational answer. It's just plain neat!

If the world turns to shite, then it would be good to have. But if it doesn't, then I'd have some gold. I just wish that I wasn't in such debt.

Speaking of which, why am I charged interest on my student loans? Isn't the point of a student loan to make a person more educated and thus more productive to the economy? Why would a bank feel the need to capitalize from me persuing my education? We think that's it's the government that lends us this money, but it's really the bank. Right now, the people that I deal with are not government workers. They are a seperate company that is paid to manage the people who owe money from going to school. Now, since I have to pay6 $450 a month just for the "government" loan, I can't do too much can I? How is this helping our bleeding heart economy if I can't save up to buy say, a bran new spankin car from one of the THE BIG THREE.
Fucking banks. They lent me money that never existed (if it is at all like the American system), and now I have to pay it all back and then some. I probably wouldn't have taken loans if I knew that my loans would actually cost me much more that I borrowed. I foolishly believed that the interest rate would be significantly lower than other loans, but it isn't. I even applied for interest relief, twice, and sent a letter to the government (the actual government) and again....."I make too much money".

Canada's a good place to be, but this feels like the government doesn't really care about the people. Well, the student loan sector anyways.

1 comment:

  1. True that you can't eat gold but in an environment where paper money isn't worth the match you burn it with it can sure as hell buy you some food!

    I did buy gold and the way I figure if shit doesn't hit the fan that gold will always be worth something. I chose to by Canadian gold coin (and eventually silver) because it's known to be the purest and finest gold on the planet and has aesthetic value that will be sought after by collectors in the future.
    Also I went Canadian as opposed to the cheaper South African since I'm almost positive that our mining practices are much more environmentally and ethically sound as they are in Africa... or at least I hope.
